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Reopening In-Person Physical Therapy & Continuation Of Telehealth Services

On my first day of Physical Therapy school, my professor made us all stand up from our desks and take the Hippocratic Oath of medicine which is "First, do no harm." Upholding that first principle, safety is our FIRST priority with re-opening  in-person physical therapy.

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced gyms and health clubs to implement strict hygiene measures to protect both their employees and clients.

Proud to say that most of these measures have ALREADY been common practice at Sky Health

Sky Health is reopening for PHYSICAL THERAPY ONLY on Monday, May 18.  Personal training will return once the Department of Public Health determines it is safe. 

The basis of our philosophy has always been one of quality over quantity.  This small-scale focus will now include a capacity reduction of 20% ensuring social distancing is maintained with equipment and surfaces being sanitized after every use. 

Here Is Our Mandatory Protocol:

  • Upon arrival the therapists and clients will be required to complete a Covid-19 exposure questionnaire upon arrival to Sky Health every time. 

  • Taking  temperature with a forehead thermometer upon entering the space as a precautionary measure.

  • Staggering session start times by 15 minutes to reduce traffic in common areas and to support the floor capacity reduction.

  • All therapists and clients will be wearing PPE.

  • Common area practices include removing or sanitizing your shoes and your hands immediately upon arrival, and utilizing our new Lumin UV Light Sanitizer.

  • Reducing or replacing as many high-touch surfaces as possible.

I would love to hear any and all questions, comments and concerns from you! To share your thoughts please click on "Send Feedback" below.

Telehealth Physical Therapy services are STILL ONGOING in the safety of your own home. 

Until we meet safe and healthy!

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